Friday 29 July 2016

Wk 1 reflections Term 3 2016

As part of our writing this week we had to write 2 lies and one truth about what me did, or may have done in the holidays. Can you spot my truth?

I went  to get KFC in nelson in the holidays and had a coke. it was bublying like the hot mud pits trust or fols

I went to rebel sport and got a grippy mini basketball it was grippy like at the bottom of your show

I went to christchurch in the holidays
I went to araner park  

Tuesday 5 July 2016

Wk8 reflections T2

This is guess and check I had fun reading the story

lol.jpgPrep was fun. We made spinney knives and spears. We don't know how much money we made. Our group is called Cs go. The people in our group are Blake Cruz Isaiah and Harris. This is a picketer of our team.